How Are Website Meta Tags Still Important in 2023?

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Written By Robert Dunford
I am a Marketing Consulting in the Great Toronto Area with over 25 years experience in building and implementing marketing plans for small business.

Meta tags are HTML elements that describe the content of your page to search engines and contribute to your website ranking.

The Meta tags are displayed solely in the page’s code, and anybody can inspect them with access to the source code.  Meta tags are important for all search engines since they exist in the HTML code of a website page and tell the search engine what the page is about.

Basically, they are the search engine’s initial impression and point of contact.

Does Meta Tag Still Affect SEO?

Yes, but not all Meta tags will be useful in 2023.

According to SEO trends, you must focus on high-quality content and website optimization to rank well on Google in 2023.

Your main purpose should be to clarify which meta tags are useful and which are just dead and useless.

After all, meta tags influence how users view your site in search results and whether or not they click through to your site.

Meta Tags That You Should Pay Attention.

1. Title

The title tag is the first HTML element that describes your website to search engines and visitors. The title is compatible with all browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Remember to add a title tag in the head section of your articles. Keep in mind that the optimal title length for Google is 55-64 characters.

It is important that you should pay attention to your title because it is one of the most important on-page factors for SEO

2. Meta Description

Your meta description plays a major role in your clickthrough rate (CTR).

To put it simply, a meta description explains the content of your web page. Search engines normally display the meta description underneath your title tag in search results.

Although Google does not utilize the Meta description as a ranking indication, it significantly impacts your page CTR because of conversion in search results.

Note that the new average length of the description snippet box on a desktop is roughly 160 characters, down from 300+ characters previously.

On the other hand, the mobile characters for search results snippets have now been reduced to 130 characters.

3. Keywords

Keywords have a specific meaning. Therefore, they provide excellent hints that point to the type of information the user is looking for.

However, there is still a language barrier between the index system and end-users, which have various methods of asking for the same or comparable object.

The closer your keyword is to users’ information needs, the higher your website traffic will become.

Keywords increase your website’s presence on the first page of search results. As a result, you can attract a significant quantity of incremental traffic, potentially boosting sales on high-volume keywords.

Overall, meta tags play an important role in Website design and build. And one of the ways you can maximize the effect of meta tags in your SEO strategy is by working with experts.

Do you want to learn more about this topic? You can learn more by reading Rob Dunford’s blog Google SEO Strategy.

You can contact him if you want to know more about the importance of a fast-loading website to your business. Rob Dunford is a marketing consultant based in the Great Toronto Area. He has over 25 years of experience in marketing planning and implementing for small business.

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